thomas robert malthus造句
- Darwin was struck by Thomas Robert Malthus'phrase " struggle for existence " used of warring human tribes.
- Such thinking is firmly in the tradition of Thomas Robert Malthus, the 19th-century English pioneer of demographic doom-mongering.
- As an economist he was heavily influenced by Thomas Robert Malthus and many of his theories on domestic economics.
- The Rev . Thomas Robert Malthus ( 1798 ) used the concept of diminishing returns to explain low living standards.
- At the end of the 18th century, Thomas Robert Malthus concluded that, if unchecked, populations would be subject to exponential growth.
- This emphasis on material production was adapted by David Ricardo, Thomas Robert Malthus and John Stuart Mill, and influenced later Marxian economics.
- Quinn warns about food and population dangers in a way often compared to Thomas Robert Malthus, though Quinn's warning is markedly different.
- Price wrote a further " Essay on the Population of England " ( 2nd ed ., 1780 ) which influenced Thomas Robert Malthus.
- A notable current within classical economics was underconsumption theory, as advanced by the Birmingham School and Thomas Robert Malthus in the early 19th century.
- In 1838 he read the new 6th edition of " An Essay on the Principle of Population ", written in the late 18th century by Thomas Robert Malthus.
- It's difficult to see thomas robert malthus in a sentence. 用thomas robert malthus造句挺难的
- The book echoes some of the concerns and predictions of the Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus in " An Essay on the Principle of Population " ( 1798 ).
- The Reverend "'Thomas Robert Malthus "'( 13 February 1766 29 December 1834 ) was an English cleric and scholar, influential in the fields of political economy and demography.
- The concept of diminishing returns can be traced back to the concerns of early economists such as Johann Heinrich von Th黱en, James Steuart, Thomas Robert Malthus, and David Ricardo.
- Two hundred years ago the Rev . Thomas Robert Malthus, an English economist and mathematician, anonymously published an essay predicting that the world's burgeoning human population would overwhelm the earth's capacity to feed it.
- According to the Catholic Encyclopedia ( " Theories of Overpopulation " ), Nitti ( " Population and the Social System ", 1894 ) was a staunch critic of English economist Thomas Robert Malthus and his Principle of Population.
- According to the Catholic Encyclopedia ( " " Theories of Overpopulation " " ), Nitti ( " Population and the Social System ", 1894 ) was a staunch critic of English economist Thomas Robert Malthus and his Principle of Population.
- He anticipated certain doctrines of Adam Smith and Thomas Robert Malthus, especially the latter, as he felt that the population propagation, if it were allowed free rein, would take place in a geometric progression with a doubling every 30 years.
- Partly influenced by " An Essay on the Principle of Population " ( 1798 ) by Thomas Robert Malthus, Darwin noted that population growth would lead to a " struggle for existence " in which favorable variations prevailed as others perished.
- ""'Law of Population " "'( 1830 ) was a massive treatise written by Michael Thomas Sadler as a response to Thomas Robert Malthus's works on population growth, notably " An Essay on the Principle of Population " ( first edition 1798 ).
- In virtually the last word, the show offers a salute to Thomas Robert Malthus, the English economist of the late 18th century, who theorized that without calamity, man made and otherwise, the world population will grow beyond the earth's ability to support it.
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